There are historians who argue that Thomas went only to the North West and they deny the south Indian tradition. Then there are others, who deny the Acts of Thomas as a reliable historical source and accept only the south Indian tradition.
There is a third group who argue for both places. Bishop Medlycott, H. Heras, J.N. Farquhar and S.H. Moffett are some of them. Medlycott thinks of two separate journeys, one from Palestine through Mesopotamia and Persia by land to north west India, the other, after a return to Palestine, via Egypt and Ethiopia and Socotra and thence across the Arabian Sea to Malabar. (Medlycott, op.cit.. pp. I47-148.) J.N. Farquhar thinks of one journey in the East. He says that St. Thomas first went to north western India travelling by sea and up the river Indus, but had to leave because of the Kushan invasions, which eventually wiped out the Christians of that region so that no trace remained. Then he left India by sea, landed in Socotra and spent some time there during which he made converts; and afterwards he sailed for India again and came to Malabar, from where in due course he crossed over to the east coast. He mentions that Thomas even went to Burma, and after returning to India he was martyred at Mylapore. (C.B. Firth op.cit.. pp. 16-17: IN. Farquhar, ‘The Apostle Thomas in North India and the Apostle Thomas in South India,’ Manchester, The Bulletin of John Ryland’s Library, x:l and xi:l.) .
The acts of Judas Thomas
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Gundaphorus despatches Habban to find an architect |
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Andropolis a Royal City |

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Thomas is introduced to the King |
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Thomas restores Kings brother to Life |
For a long time several historians considered the Acts of Judas Thomas as of no historical value. They pointed out that the teaching of the Acts was unorthodox and the stories told were fantastic. The aim of the author was to establish the doctrine that marriage is sinful and Christians ought to abstain from it, and therefore the book was of Gnostic origin. Today historians are inclined to take more seriously the historical value of the Acts of Thomas and its theological orthodoxy. F.C. Burkitt, Arthur Voobus and several other historians have shown that the emphasis on celibacy and abstinence from marriage belonged to an authentic tradition of the Syrian church till the fourth century. L.W. Brown observes, "The great stress on celibacy as a way of salvation, and the emphasis on the miraculous are not in themselves proof of a non-Catholic origin for the Acts, as even in the time of Aphrates only the unmarried could be baptized in Edessa." (LW. Brown, op.cit,, p.43.).R. Murray points out how at several points the Acts of Thomas reflect the theology of the East Syrian church. Reflecting the asceticism of the East Syrian church, the Acts tells how Thomas refused to receive silver and gold from people. In Acts six of the book, Thomas thanks God that he has become an ascetic and a pauper and wanderer for God. The East Syrian writers when they speak of incarnation, speak of Christ putting on the body as a garment. Murray writes," ‘Christ put on the body’. This simple image of clothing is the Syriac fathers’ favourite way of describing the Incarnation. It occurs consistently in the Acts of Judas Thomas, while inDidascalia it comes as a heading.... (R. Murray, op cit., p.69.) Again Murray says, "The invocations to the Mother-spirit to descend on the candidate for baptism in the Acts of Judas Thomas are typical of early Syriac literature." (Ibid., p. 80.) Drivers also points out that the literary heritage of the early Syriac-speaking church is reflected in the Acts of Thomas, Odes of Solomon and in Tatian’s Diatessiron.
Till the middle of the 19th century, no king by the name Gundaphorus was known in Indian history. Since AD 1834 numerous coins have been found in the Punjab and Afghanistan bearing his name in Greek on one side and in Pali on the other, and they are dated to be from the first half of the first century. In some coins the name of Gad, his brother is also found. There is also a stone inscription (now in Lahore museum) containing his name and dates which tell us that he was an Indo-Parthian prince in the north western part of India (from AD 19-45) at the time when St. Thomas is supposed to have come there. In this connection Stephen Neill has raised an important point. "We have no means of knowing how it came about that the name of Gondophorus whose time and succession had wholly vanished from the earth was still remembered in a syriac speaking country at least a century, perhaps considerably more than a century, after his death". Stephen Neill himself answers it thus: "It appears that there had been more contact between north-west India and the countries now known as Iran and Iraq, than had been generally supposed. (Stephen Neill, A History of Christianity in India, Cambridge University Press, 1984, p.28.) He is certainly right in pointing out the frequent contact between north-west India and the countries now known as Iraq and Iran in the early centuries of the Christian era. But contacts alone need not retain in Edessa the memory of a Parthian king after a century and half. What Stephen Neill failed to recognise was the possibility of a tradition existing in Edessa at the time of the writing of the Acts of Thomas that Thomas worked in the kingdom of Gundaphorus. Whatever else may be legendary, one thing is certain that the author of the Acts of Judas Thomas was fully aware of a tradition in Edessa of St. Thomas’s work in the kingdom of Gundaphorus in north west India. As L.W. Brown notes there was a considerable Jewish colony in north-western India in the first century, which might have attracted the attention of the first Christian missionaries.
The Gondopharid dynasties, and other so-called Indo-Parthian rulers, were a group of ancient kings who ruled in present-day Afghanistan, Pakistan and Northern India, during or slightly before the 1st century AD. For most of their history, the leading Gondopharid kings held Taxila (in present-day Pakistan) as their residence, but during the last few years of their existence the capital was at Kabul (present-day Afghanistan). These kings have traditionally been referred to as Indo-Parthians, as their coinage was often inspired by the Arsacid dynasty, but they probably belonged to a wider groups of Iranian tribes who lived east of Parthia proper, and there is no evidence that all the kings who assumed the title Gondophares, which means ”Holder of Glory”, were even related.. Recent research by R.C. Senior shows with some certainty that the king who best fits the references in acts of Thomas is Gondophares-Sases, the fourth king using the title Gondophares.There are some claims based on historical, anthropological, and linguistic evidence indicating that the Southern Indian kingdom of the Pallavas was originally founded by the Parthians, either from Iran or from the territories of the Indo-Parthians in northwestern India, also called Pahlavas in Indian literature. These Pahlavas of Indo-Iranian descent would have migrated Southward and first settled in Krishna river valley of present day coastal Andhra Pradesh. This region is called Palnadu or Pallavanadu even today. Pallavas later extended their sway up to Northern Tamil region and established a flourishing empire.
The Royal City of Andrapolis.
Historians differ as to the exact location of Andrapolis, whether it was within India proper or a nearby place. In the story it is said that Abban and Thomas first landed in a royal city called Andrapolis. According to Warmington, Andrapolis was the capital of the Andhra Kingdom in Deccan and was in India. Some even argue that it was the ancient port muzhiris in south India but considering the all the options it should be the present day Bombay region (i.e. with Jewish population and under Andra dynasty or Satavahanas).Act gave some idea about the Jewish presence in Andrapolis i.e. Jewish flute-girl). (The Bene Israel of Bombay or Sibor- The traditions of the community trace their descent to Jews who escaped persecution in Galilee in the 2nd century BCE, though the Bene Israel resemble the non-Jewish Maratha people in appearance and customs. The Bene Israel, however, maintained the practices of Jewish dietary laws, circumcision and observation of Sabbath as a day of rest).
St Thomas Christian tradition in Urmia(Iran).
"Lift up a banner in the land! Blow the trumpet among the nations! Prepare the nations for battle against her; summon against her these kingdoms: Ararat, Minni and Ashkenaz. Appoint a commander against her; send up horses like a swarm of locusts. Jeremiah 51:27.
The Mannaeans (country name usually Mannea; Akkadian: Mannai, possibly Biblical Minni, מנּי) were an ancient people who lived in the territory of present-day Iran and Azerbaijan, around the 10th to 7th centuries BC.In the Bible (Jeremiah 51:27) the Mannaeans are called the Minni. According to the place and personal names found in Assyrian and Urartian texts, the Mannaeans, or at least their rulers, spoke Hurrian, a non-Semitic and non-Indo-European language with no modern language connections.The city of Urmia (Urmiyeh), in northwest of Iran, is considered one of the ancient cities of the country and a Cradle of Christian civilization. The people of urmi is famous for their deep devotion to marth mariyam, Marthoma , St. Cyriacus (Mar Kuryakus). Mart Maryam Church - Urmia belived to be stabled in 1st century. This church structure is considered to be the oldest existing church building in the world (with minor renovations). The claim that the area was the birthplace of Zoroaster, or even the burial site of one or two of the Zoroastrian priests who allegedly traveled to Bethlehem for Christ’s birth indicate that the city has been one of the largest religious and scientific centers of the ancient times.
Lake Urmia (Azerbaijani: اورمو گؤلو, Persian: دریاچه ارومیه, Daryâcheh-ye Orumiyeh (or Oroumieh), ancient name: Lake Matiene) is a salt lake in northwestern Iran, near Iran's border with Turkey. The lake is named after the provincial capital city of Urmia, originally a Syriac name meaning city of water. Its ancient Persian name was Chichast (meaning, "glittering"--a reference to its glittering mineral particles suspended in the lake water and its shores.Lake Matianus (Latin: Lacus Matianus) is an old name for Lake Urmia. It was the center of the Mannaean Kingdom, a potential Mannaean settlement represented by the ruin mound of Hasanlu was on the south side of Lake Matianus. Mannae was overrun by a people who were called Matiani or Matieni, an Iranic people variously identified as Scythian, Saka, Sarmatian, or Cimmerian.Tradition tells us that when St. Thomas, one of the apostles of Christ,was on his journey to India, he passed and spent a night near Urmia Lake in Persia.; and on the very spot where he rested that night, a church was erected. The same church is still to be found on the borders of Urmia Lake, a little village called Mar Nochah (the Lord`s resting-place) sur-rounding it.The third of july of every passing year is named St. Thomas day and is as a holiday. And the superstition still reigns that there is healing to gain for all kinds of sicknsses for everybody who the third of july will bath in the waters of Urmia Lake or in the spring of St. George, near the lake.
ReplyDeleteOnly ancient literature describing the mission of St.Thomas was written by Jewish author Bardaishan Acts of Thomas in the second century AD.
1. Andropolis Kherbeta, Egypt.
2. Babylon, Iraq
3. Maishan (Meson Mesene) Iran
4. Sarbug Sarbak Baloochistan Iran.
5. Warkan Baloochistan, Pakistan.
6. Taxila Pakistan
7. Kingdom of Misdeus ? Ghazni Afghanistan
St. Thomas visited Andropolis (Kherbeta) in Egypt first. The merchant Abbanes accompanied him. When he visited Egypt the kings daughter was getting married. The King had announced that all his subjects were required to participate in the wedding banquet.
St.Thomas attended the wedding but not eating. They were recling at the floor in the Arab style. Unguent was given to the guests which St.Thomas smeared to his head.
One of the cup bearers smote him and St.Thomas cursed him that his hand will be eaten by Dogs. One jewish maid had heard this. When the Cup- Bearer went out he was killed by a Lion. A dog brought a half eaten hand to the banquet site.
When the king heard about this he wanted the saint to bless his daughter. St. Thomas or Jesus in the form of his twin brother advised the newly married couple to abstain from consummation.
Next day the queen was shocked to see her daughter without Veil sitting with her husband. She considered it shameless. King angered by this called searched for St.Thomas but St.Thomas had already set sail for India.
Egypt had been ruled by a Greek kingdom from 305 BC to 30 BC. But after the defeat of Cleopatra and Mark antony, Egypt was ruled by Roman empire. But the king St.Thomas met could be an Arab Sheikh.
St.Thomas travelled south of Babylon to Maishan, then to Sarbug in Iran, and from there to Warkan in Ballochistan to Taxila in Pakistan.
According to Acts of Thomas St.Thomas visited next King Gondaphares (20 to 46 AD)(Gundaphorus) belonging to Indo-Parthian dynasty who ruled from Taxasila, in Pakistan.
St.Thomas, a trained carpenter and Architect was assigned to build a palace for King Gondophorus which he started in the Macedonian month Dios (October) and promised to complete it by Xanthikos (March). But St.Thomas spent the money for te welfare of poor. After six months when the king visited the site he found no palace. When the king enquired about the palace St.Thomas said the palace has been completed but not in this world. When the king was told that St.Thomas had built the palace in Heaven he realised that he had been cheated by St.Thomas.
St.Thomas alongwith Habban was imprisoned by King Gondaphares.
That night the kings long ailing brother Gad after making Gondophorus the guardian of his children died. Gad was taken by the Angels to heaven where he saw a beautiful palace. When Gad tried to enter the house the Angels stopped him saying that it had been kept ready for King Gondophares. Then the Angels sent him back to earth. Gad came to life and explained his brother the happenings.
Gondophares released the Apostle from the prison. Perhaps Abbanes was also released. Gondaphares and Gad were baptized as Christians by St.Thomas.
St.Thomas brought to life an youngman back to life by commanding the snake which had bitten him to suck back the venom.
St.Thomas brought back to life a woman slain by her boyfriend who was a follower of the Apostle.
Then St.Thomas visited a Greek kingdom ruled by Misdeus or Mazdai (in Syriac).
St Thomas was invited to the country of Misdeus by a rich captain called Siphor whose wife and daughter were possessed by demons.
St.Thomas travelled from Taxila to the Kingdom of Misdaeus in a chariot drawn by wild asses. The wild asses also talked and obey ed commands of the apostle. St.Thomas performed many miracles before freeing Wife and daughter from the demons. St.Thomas was preaching to masses who gathered around him (Either in Greek or Araemic)
Hearing about this Mygdonia wife of Carisius a relative of came to see St.Thomas. Again St.Thomas advised celibacy to her. Mygdonias refusal to dine or sleep with Carisius prompted him to complain to King Misdaeus.
King Misdaeus ordered his soldiers to bring St.Thomas before him. Since St.Thomas was surrounded by great number of people the soldiers could not arrest him. Then Carisius himself came. Carisius pulled out the turban of one of his slaves and put the cloth around the neck of Apostle and dragged him to the King. King Misdeus ordered him to be scourged 125 times before casting him into the prison.
Mygdonia went to prison with the intention of bribing the Jailers with ten Denarii but she met St.Thomas and a great light before him on the way. Jail doors had opened miraculously. St.Thomas came to her house anointed her with holy oil in the name of Father, Son and Holy Ghost Baptised and broke bread with her. Narcia the nurse of Mygdonia was also Baptised.
St.Thomas returned to the Jail. The doors were still wide open and the guards and the prisoners were sleeping.
Misdeus released St.Thomas asking him to persuade Mygdonia to return her old ways and to live with Carisius. St.Thomas went to Carisius house and asked Mygdonia to obey Carisius.
Then St.Thomas went to Siphors house where he Baptised Siphor, his wife and daughter after anointing them with holy oil, in the name of Father, Son and holy Ghost. St.Thomas broke bread and gave it to them.
King Misdaeus told about the misfortune of Carisius because of the sorcerer St.Thomas to his wife Tertia. Tertia was intrigued When Tertia went to the house of Charisius she found Mygdonia in humility with ashes and a sack cloth spread under her, repenting at the floor. Tertia then went to the house of Siphor where she met the Apostle who told about Jesus Christ. Tertia came home rejoicing. Misdaeus thought that she had been bewitched by the Sorcerer.
Ouazanes(Iuzanes, Juzanes, Vizan) ordered the soldiers to bring St.Thomas to the Court house.The prince was quite convinced by the preaching of St.Thomas and even wanted to find a way to free him. But the King Misdaeus came with his guards and took him under custody.
The soldiers bound the hands of St.Thomas and brought him before Misdaeus.The king asked who he was and with what powers he was doing these things.St.Thomas answered that he was a man like him but he was doing things because of Jesus Christ.
King Misdaeus asked the Apostle on a hot iron plate bare footed. Suddenly water sprang from Earth and covered the plates.
King Misdaeus send the Apostle to prison again and contemplated ways to execute him St.Thomas was accompanied by Ouazanes on the right, Siphor on his left and the wife and daughter of Siphor to prison. St.Thomas then prayed, the Lords prayer. Mathew 6: 9-14
Tertia, Mygdonia and Narcia went to the prison and bribed the Jailer with 363 staters of Silver. When they reached near St.Thomas found Ouazanes, Siphor and his wife and daughter there. All the prisoners were sitting and hearing the word. Iuazanes requested St.Thomas to visit his sick wife Mnesara who was ailing for long.
St.Thomas asked Juzanes to go and prepare things. The prisoners had locked it but Juzanes found it open. Juzanes met his ailing wife Mnesara on the way who claimed that an invisible youth held her hand and was leading her. Then Judas, accompanied by Tertia, Mygdonia, Narcia, Siphor and his wife and daughter came to Ouazanes's house. Judas promised that Mnesara will be further guided by Jesus.
Judas made the women undressed and wore a girdle and then anointed by Mygdonia. St.Thomas anointed Ouazanes and Baptised all of them in the name of Father, Son and the Holy Ghost. Apostle went back to the prison along with Tertia, Mygdonia and Narcia.
The Jailers went to Misdaes and complained that after admitting the Sorcerer they were unable to keep the doors of the prison closed and they could not prevent the Queen Tertia and Prince Ouazanes visiting St.Thomas.
King Misdaeus stripped St.Thomas and girdled him.King Misdaeus planned to execute St.Thomas but wanted to do it secretly as St.Thomas had many followers.
Misdaeus took St.Thomas along with four soldiers and an officer outside the city. He handed over St.Thomas to them and asked them to the nearby mountain and pierce him with their spears.People accompanied them to the hill. Iuazanes persuaded the soldiers to allow him to pray.After the prayer St.Thomas asked the soldiers to proceed. Four soldiers came and pierced him with spears and he fell down and died.
St.Thomas was buried in the Royal sepulchre where they buried all the earlier kings.
Tertia and Mygdonia were afflicted by their husbands but they remained firm in their faith.
Apostle St.Thomas before he went to the hill had made Siphor a Presbyter and Iuazanes as a Deacon.Many were added to their faith.
After a long time one of the sons of Misdaes were possessed by Devil. King Misdaes by then had become a believer of St.Thomas. King Misdaes wanted to get a bone of St.Thomas to cure his son. But when he opened the Sepulchre there was no bones of St.Thomas.
One of the brethren had secretly stolen the bones of St.Thomas and had taken them to Mesopotamia.
King Misdaes took some dust from the grave and hung it around the neck of his son thereby curing him. King Misdaeus bowed below the hands of Siphor the Presbyter who and the Brethern prayed for the King Misdeus. Multitudes of people joined the faith.
Alexander established a Greek colony at the foothills of Hindukush mountains which he called Alexandria of Caucasus in 329 BC in the country of Paropamisadae. Alexander the Great conquered the Ghazni province in 329 BC, and called Alexandria in Opiana.
Indo-Greek kingdom was established by Demetrius in 185 BC.
Early capitals
Alexandria in the Caucasus (Bagram), and Alexandria of Opiana(Ghazni) were in Afghanistan.
Later capitals Taxila, Chiniotis, Sagala, Pushkalavati all were at Pakistan at the Indus area and adjoining areas of Punjab.
An Indo-Greek king called Menander( Menander I Soter) ruled over Indo-Greek kingdom between 165 BC to 155 BC with capital at Sagala (Sialkot) in Pakistan. Menander converted to Buddhism and was known by the name Milinda. Strato I son of Menander ruled between 130 BC to 110 BC. Last king of this dynasty was Strato II Soter who ruled between 25 BC to 10 AD at Punjab. In 10 AD Indo-Greek kingdom of Strato II Soter was supplanted by the Indo-Scythian(Saka) Northern Satraps. But another last Indo-Greek king Zoilos III Soter has ruled from Pakistan in 35 AD.
A descendant of Zoilos III Soter(10 AD to 35 AD), might have survived at the Ghazni province of Afghanistan as King Misdeus. The kingdom of Misdaeus was
1. Desert
2. Mountainous
3. Had a place called Calamina
4. Greek kingdom
5. Currency was Denarri and Staters of silver
6. Close to Taxila
7. Wild Ass habitat
8. Months Dius and Xanthicos
Since Mygdonia wife of Carisius tells the Apostle that their country was a desert kingdom it could not have been Indus area.The last Indo-Greeks might have ruled from arid, hill desert like Ghazni province of Afghanistan.
Aravalli hills is a mountainous desert country but it was under Saka Satraps, the enemy territory.
Acts says that St.Thomas was executed at Calamina, a hill. Kalaminar near Jaghatu in the Ghazni province could be the place where St.Thomas was martyred. Greeks called this country Alexandria of Opiana. Wild asses are found at north eastern India and Pakistan. Denarii and Stater were Greek currency. Months Dius and Xanthicos were Greek currency.
In fact there are three places called Kalaminar in Afghanistan.
1. Kala-Minar Jaghatu, Ghazni, Afghanistan
2. Kalaminar, Chagcaran, Ghowr, Afghanistan
3. Koh-e-Kalaminar north east of Kabul
Misdeus might belong to the Soter dynasty established by Menander. Misdeus could be the son of King Zoilos III who ruled from Indus.
Andropolis, Egypt, an Ancient city and former bishopric, now Kherbeta and a Latin Catholic titular see. Kherebta, Kom Hamada, El Beheira Governorate, Egypt.
Hillah, Babil Governorate, Iraq, about 85 kilometres (53 mi) south of Baghdad. Iraq.
MOSANI (MAISHAN) where is the resort of the merchants of the East, and reached the land of the Babylonians and the of Sarbug walls unto came (Acts of Thomas)
Meson (Mesene; Maishan) the great, that lieth on the shore of the sea (Acts of Thomas)
1. MAISHAN MESHAN PROVINCE of the Sasanian Empire. It consisted of the Parthian vassal kingdoms of Mesene and Characene and reached north along the Shatt al-Arab river and then the lower Tigris to Madhar and possibly further. Its inhabitants included Babylonians, Arabs, Iranians, and even some Indians and Malays
Capital : Vahman-Ardashir
Since it is situated in the seashore the most likely place mentioned in the acts.
2. Maysan Governorate Maisan Iraq. Metropolitanate of Maishan or Maysan was an East Syriac metropolitan province of the Church of the East between the fifth and thirteenth centuries. The historical region of Maishan or Maysan is situated in southern Iraq.
Sarbak a village in Sarbuk Rural District, Sarbuk District, Qasr-e Qand County, Sistan and Baluchestan Province, Iran
Warkan (Hyrcania?) had my parents sent thither by the hand of their treasurers, unto whom they committed it because of their faithfulness (Acts of Thomas)
Warkan, is a Mountain that exists at Loralai, Balochistan in Pakistan.
2. HYRCANIA IRAN (Varkâna)
Hyrcanian Forests IranVarkâna, the name of the satrapy located on the southern and southeastern shores of the Caspian, is thought to mean "wolf-land" (c.f. Avestan vəhrkō, Sanskrit vŗka and New Persian gorg). The Greeks knew it as Hyrkania (Ὑρκανία, while in Latin and consequently Western European languages, it's spelled "Hyrcania".
Taxila (Takhkhasilā) Punjab, Pakistan is 32 km away to Islamabad. Taxila was the capital of Gondophares I who was founder of Indo-Parthian Kingdom who ruled between 19 AD to 46 AD. His kingdom encompassed Drangiana, Arachosia, and Gandhara.
St.Thomas is mentioned as the twin brother of Jesus. Didymos, Judas Thomas. But Acts never mention Joseph and Mary as St.Thomas's father.