Manigram and
Manigramakkar seems to be the most misinterpreted names in the whole history of
Malabar. Most of foreign historians and local conspiracy theory makers
misinterpreted manigramakar as Manicheans because of the similarities in their
names ie “Mani” which has no historical credibility. On the other hand almost
all local Kerala church historians branded this community as Christians because
the celebrated shasanams or edicts now in their possession directly mention
these community or group. So if we need to find the true identity of this community
we need to study the historical sources (first hand) as well as traditional
accounts related to the origin of this community from the local Christian accounts.
It’s also interesting to note that if we go further back to time (of course
based on available traditions) we will find that a strange cross-religious
fusion between Hinduism and Nasranism occurred around 600-700 period (may be
because of the shaivait revival) which created a community that we cannot consider as Hinduism or
Christianity. They took their religious beliefs from both Christianity and
Hinduism and formed some sort of Gnostic religion.
The next available
sources mentioning this community is from some learned British historians like
Benchamin bailey and Thomas Whitehouse. They clearly made considerable effort
to visit the local churches during the early 1800-1860 period for the purpose
of historical researches. Their account provides interesting details about this
community, their history & position in the local society, struggle to
protect their identity from the local Syrian bishops, later absorption to the local
Hindu community (sub cast of Nair) with the help British authorities etc.For making this
article simple I am writing this article in two Parts. The first part mainly
deals with the origin of manigramam ,Gnostic Nasranis of south India &
their origin, The four edicts of south India, three of which explicitly mention this mysterious community
or caste , Perumals of Makothayi(Later cheras) the consignee of this copper plates
etc . Part 1 contains the history of Malabar coast between 600-1200 Period.
Medieval Merchant Guilds of South India- Manigramam & Anjuvanam.
Manigramam is a large,
influential guild of South Indian merchants. Tamil inscriptions record a tank
construction by an important person and the tank is placed under the guard of
the local Manigramam members.[1] Manigramam guild was a localized merchant
body which first appeared along the Kerala coast in the ninth century A.D and gradually
flourished in Tamilnadu in the Pallava and Chola periods and then became
supra-regional in character by being active in South-east Asia. On a Sivapuri temple wall, Tiruppattur Taluk, Ramanathapuram District, an
inscription records the gift of some land by a merchant of the Manigramam guild
for providing an offering to
the temple deity.[2][3] During the rule of
the Western Chalukyas dynasty reigning over most of the western deccan, South
India, between the 10th and 12th centuries merchants formed influential guilds,
of which manigramam was a prominent one. [4]
It is impossible to study
or differentiate the history of manigramam or manigramakar without mentioning
the four legendary edicts of Malabar Coast which were issued by the Perumals of Makothaya(Mahothaya Pattanam) three of which explicitly mention
this mysterious community or caste. There appears to have been a good deal of discussion as to the dates of these documents, as well as to the use of such words as Anjuwannam and Manigramam in these plates. I think it will not be out of place here to say a few words on these relics of an ancient period.
four edicts of the ancient world & Cheraman Perumals of Makkotai.
Chera Perumals of
Makkotai(800-1200AD) (also described as Second/Later Cheras, formerly known as
Kulasekharas) were the nominal rulers of the Chera kingdom, a loose federation
of local chiefs, which existed between 9th and 12th centuries AD. The rule of
Perumals was based at the city of Mahodayapuram (Makottai) near the present day
Kodungalloor, Kerala. The Chera kingdom of the Perumals was the only large
state existed in pre-modern Kerala. It was a loose federation of local chiefs
(known as "Naduvazhis") nominally acknowledging the sovereignty of
the Cheraman Perumal and supporting him in defensive wars against the other
Tamil powers, but free to govern their territories as they liked. There was a
Brahmin oligarchy which propped up the Perumal, a member of the old and
prestigious Chera dynasty. Most of the Perumals were saintly scholars who
remained submissive to the power of Brahmin councilors (called "Tali
Adhikaris"). The Chera state had only a precarious existence for three
centuries. Sulaiman and al-Mas'udi, the Arab travellers who visited Malabar
Coast during the period, have testified to the high degree of economic
prosperity achieved by the state from its foreign trade. Sulaiman makes
specific mention of the brisk trade with China. Malayalam emerged as a distinct
language during the Mahodayapuram era, and Hinduism became the prominent
religion of the state.
1) Kulasekhara Varman 800
— 820 A.D
2) Rajasekhara Varrnan
820 -— 844 A.D
3) Sthanu Ravi Varman 844 -
885 A.D
4) Rama Varma 885 —
917 A.D
5) Goda Ravi Varma 917
— 944 A.D
6) Indukotha Varma 944 — 962 AD
7) Bhaskara Ravi I 962- 1019
8) Bhaskara Ravi II 1019
— 1021 A.D.
9) Vira Kerala 1021-1028 A.D
10) Raja Simha 1028- 1043
11) Bhaskara Ravi III 1043
— 1082 A.D.
12) Ravi Rama Varrna 1082
— 1090 A.D.
13) Ramavarma Kulasekhara
Chakravarti (1090 — 1102 A.D.)
The original
settlements of the Nasrani community appear to have -been at Makothayerpatnam,
near the port of Cranganore, and Curakkeni Kollum at Quilon. The Nasarani community
of malabar even up to the 1900’s call themselves as the Kurakkeni kollam
Nazrani’s and Makothayepattnam Nazrani’s. This last name may be linked with
that of the Chera king styled Makothayer, as we find it stated in the Tamil
Peria Purana, a celebrated work very popular in the Tamil countries, that the
Chera king named Makothayer lived at Thiruvunjecolum, near Kodungalore, and
ruled the Malanaud (Malayalam country) with great success, for a considerable
length of time. Hence we conclude that a town near Kodungalore, must have been
established in honor of this king under the name of Makothayerpatnam and
probably it was there that the Nazrani community established themselves at
first. In like manner, the author is of
opinion that Anjuwarnam, alluded to in the plate in possession of the Cochin
Jews, is a distinction given to the Jews. Warnam is not here intended for
colour as the Jews understand it, but caste. There were already four Warnams, Brahmans,
Kshatrias, Vysias, and Sudras. The Jews, when they came to Keralam, were
considered as a peculiar nation, and the given a new warnam. "Curakkeni
Kollum." Tradition states that the Syrians came to this country in two
bodies, one party landed near the modern Quilon at a place now engulphed by the
sea, the other at Kodungalore or Maha Deverpatnam. The practice in documents
observed till within the last years was invariably to mark to which of these
two bodies a Nazranis belonged."
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A depiction of Cherman Perumals of Makkotai(AD 800-AD 1100) |
Later Chera (Cheraman Perumals of Makkotai) copper
plate inscriptions play an important role in the reconstruction of the history
of Malabar. Prior to their discovery, historians were forced to rely on
ambiguous archaeological findings such as religious text of uncertain origin
and interpretations of bits of surviving traditions, patched together with
travel journals of foreign visitors. Chera copper plate inscriptions (Shasanams),
usually record grants of land or lists of royal lineages carrying the royal
seal. The inscriptions followed a standard formula of identifying the royal
donor and his lineage, followed by lengthy honorifics of his history, heroic
deeds, and his extraordinary personal traits. After this would follow the
details of the grant, including the occasion, the recipient, and the penalties
involved if the provisions were disregarded or violated.
Between the eighth and
tenth centuries, rulers on the Malabar Coast awarded various rights and privileges
on copper plates, known as Cheppeds, or Royal Grants or Shasanam (copies of
which with reliable translations have been published in the Madras Literary and
Asiatic Journals of Science and Literature, No. 30, pages 116 to 164). They
show that the Perumals considered the first sovereign in Keralam(Cheramanalokam).
The three Perumals, whose name mentioned in the copper plates are Sree Veera Raghava Perumal, Sthanu Revi
Guptha Perumal, and Sree Bhaskara Revi Varmah Perumal commonly called
Perumals of Makothaya(Mahothaya Pattanam ie the ancient & famous Chera
Sassanam, awarded by Shri Veera
KeralaPerumal (in c. AD ?) Tarissapally
Chepped I, awarded by Sthanu Ravi
Guptha Perumal (AD 849) Tarissapally
Chepped II, awarded by Bhaskara Ravi
Varma Perumal (after AD 849) Tarissapally Copper plates, awarded by Emperor
Sthanu Ravi Guptha Perumal, ruler of Venad, during his fifth regal year (AD
849), is the first important inscription of Kerala, the date of which has been
determined with accuracy. In which he says “The document, was executed with the sanction of the Travancore
sovereign," and in making allusion to the king, uses the honorific
term " Venaud Iyean Adikel Tiruadikel" The prefix
"Iyean" denotes the authority of the king. (The Travancore king is
still Called Venad Adigal “the adorable feet of Venadu.") The Tarissapally
Chepped is engraved on copper plates in vatteluttu and signed by 25 witnesses.
Names of fifteen of them are in Kufic, ten in Pahlavi, and four in Hebrew.
Another Jewish Copper Plate, are Sasanam
outlining the grant of rights of the Anjuvannam and 72 other properietary
rights to local Jewish Chief Ousepp Irabban by Kulasekhara (Later Chera
dynasty) king Bhaskara Ravi Varman (962-1019
Plate No. I (Iravikorttan Plates) show that Veera Kerala Chuckravarthy was the
first of the line, and the rule of this dynasty existed without interruption
for many hundred thousands of years. Accounts regarding the origin of Manigramam and Anjuwannam varies materially from writer to writer. It’s reasonable to
think that Manigramam is a distinction given to the Middle Eastern merchants (religious
group’s that may include Persian Christians, Gnostic Christians and Zorastrians?)
by the Perumals, as they were then regarded as a class of respectable people. Legends
say that Parasu Rama divided Keralam into sixty-four Brahman "Gramams" each having a
particular name, but to the new community of Middle eastern merchants, the
Perumal must have granted a “Gramam”, denominated “Manigramam” (Indirectly
indicating their profession), with the title of a Principality as a distinctive
name, the head of the community being invested with the dignity of citizenship
in another view Mani in Tamil means a gem and is applied to all things of
peculiar excellence. From the above edict we find the following description in
"Makothayer Pattanathoo
Eravicorttenaya Cheramaneloka Peroomchattikoo Manigramaipattam Kooduthome" [" മഹോതയാർ പട്ടണത്തു ഇരവി കൊർത്തനായ ചേരമാനലോക പെരുംച്ചാത്തിക്കു മാനിഗ്രാമപട്ടം കൊടുത്തൊമേ"]
The literal
translation of which is "We have
granted to Iravi Cortten of Makothaperpatanam, the grand merchant of Cheraman
world, the high office of “Manigramamship". "Pattam" is a word used both in
Tamil and in Malayalam which means
"ordination"(note that the Syrian Christians still use the term
Pattam Kodukkal for the priestly
ordination) a high office or dignity.
The translation of this plate by H. Gundert appears to be correct, but
with a slight difference. Mr. Gundert's translation is: — “We have given to Eravi Cortten of Maha
Deverpatnam (hence forward to be called grand merchant of the Cheraman world)
the lordship of Manigramam."
The blessed rule having devolved
from the earth-ruler Man lord Chacravarti Vira Kérala (the first of the line) thro'
regular succession upon Sri Vira Righava Chacravarti, now wielding the scepter for many
I00,000 years (in the year) Jupiter in Capricorns, the 21st of the Minam month,
Saturday, roshini nakshathram the following grant was made in the Royal palace
(of the Perumal)—We have given to Iravi Corttan of Mahadevarpattnam,
(henceforth to be called Grand Merchant of the Cheraman world (Kérala), the
Lordship of Manigrimam. We also have given to him (the right of) the
feast-cloth (?) house pillars (or pictured rooms?) all the revenue, the curved
sword. (or dagger) and in (or with) the sword the sovereign merchant ship, the
right of proclamation, the privilege of having forerunners, the five musical
instruments, the conch, the light (or torch burning) by day, the spreading
cloth, litter, Royal umbrella, Vaduca drum the gateway with seats and
ornamental arches, and the sovereign merchant ship over the four classes [or streets)——
also the oil makers end the five kind of artificers we have subjected to him [or
given as slaves to him)—We have given as eternal (Literally “ water”-)
possession to Iravi Corttan the lord of the town, the brokerage and due customs
of all that may he measured by the para, weighed by the balance, stretched by
the line, of all that may be counted or carried, contained within salt, sugar,
musk, and lamp oil, or whatever it be—- namely within the river-mouth of
Codungalur and the tower, or between the four Talia (temples of the deputy
Brahmans) and the Gramamas belonging to them-We have given it by an unreserved.
tenure to Iravi Corttann Grand Merchant of the Chéramin world and to his sons
and son's sons in proper succession.
The full translation of this plate by H.
Hari Sri Adoration to Ganapati
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Iravikorttan Edict |
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